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The times of Masses in the three churches of the parish for the Feast of St. Patrick, Tuesday 17th March, will be the same as weekend Masses. Monday March 16th in the Neale at 6.30pm; Tuesday March 17th in Cross…
The ladies club at present field teams from U14 – Intermediate, This season following a lot of interest they hope to field an U12 Girls team,(girls aged 9 – 12 yrs are eligible) in order to put this team in…
The Crossroads Senior Citizens planning group are delighted to announce that following consultation with Senior Citizens in Cong, Cross and The Neale the name put forward by the majority is the ‘The Young at Heart’ Club The first gathering of…
St Patrick’s Day Cake Sale will be held in Clonbur Community Centre in aid of the SHOEBOX APPEAL. Your support by baking or buying would be much appreciated. A LADIES DRESS WATCH will be raffled among all the bakers, so…
Neale GAA will hold a fundraising Table Quiz in Ryans Hotel on Friday March 20th @ 9pm. Your support would be appreciated.
Cross Charity Events Committee & Pieta House 2nd Annual Cycle , Walk & Family Funday on Easter Sunday 5th April starting at 10am at O Malley’ s Bar Cross. Registration @ 9am in O’Malleys. Refreshments served afterwards. Children go free…
Gentle Yoga Class on Thursday mornings 10.30 – 12 noon at The Crossroads, Cong Community Centre. Come along and experience for yourself the wonderful benefits a gentle yoga practice can bring to your life. Everyone is welcome, suitable for all…
For up to date information please see the official Cunga Cycling Club website. Enter online with Triathlon Ireland via http://www.triathlonireland.com RACE DETAILS Sign on: 9.00am – 10.00am in Lydons Lodge in Cong village Cost €20 Parking available at sign on,…
Under The Road At The Long Stone Cong Moytura Heritage Society are hosting a talk about the Archaeological Excavation at the Long Stone at 8:00pm on Wednesday 4th March at Ryan’s Hotel, Cong. The talk will be given by…