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The “Other Abbey” Players

Home The “Other Abbey” Players

If you are a member of this group or know someone who is please do get in touch with your information as we would love to update this page.

Club Details
Who Are We? 

The “Other Abbey” Players is an amateur drama group that delivers a “theatrical experience” for the local Cong, Cross and Neale area without the need to travel to the bigger towns and city. The group has produce xx plays in the past including xx and xxx. The Other Abbey Players productions are entirely voluntary and raises much needed funds for local projects. The group operates on a seasonal basis comprising of rehearsals 3 to 4 nights a week for 10 weeks twice a year and in between reading and choosing suitable material for the next production. Outside of producing professional standard performances it also aims to nurture a love and appreciation of the arts and develop self confidence while encouraging individuals to work as part of a group and form new friendships. If you are interested in being part of the Other Abbey Player please contact: Martin Dunleavy – Director

What Do We Do?


When Do We Meet?

Club Media

Image Gallery

Club News and Events